Saturday 27 April 2024

A Book for Women Considering becoming a Stay-At-Home Mom


I started writing a version of this book back when my children were small. Working on it was my sanity. It was something for me to do to stimulate my mind once I left the workforce to become a stay-at-home mom to my children. 

You see, we'd moved out west to a city I knew no one. I had to make new connections and I was lonely as a stay-at-home mom. 

I'd gone to a Christian bookstore in search of support by way of a book since I had no local friend. But I couldn't find the kind of book I sought. I left the store disappointed. And before long, decided to write the book I could not find. 

Then years passed and I revisited the manuscript. It wasn't good. It needed lots of changes because it had such a negative bent. But instead of scrapping it altogether, I rewrote a shortened version of some key points. This is the result, finalized on Amazon in 2019.

I have barely promoted it, more or less relying on moms to find it. I know some of the ideas are probably irrelevant to today's women but I hope that one mom who finds it and reads it finds some encouragement in it. 

Please look for it on your regional Amazon page. It is able to be viewed on any digital device. You don't have to own a Kindle device. 

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